Envoy film promo - David Weinstein - Adam Coggin

...this film never happened, what you're about to see isn't a trailer, it's the best section from a 2014 nine-minute Proof of Concept piece from director David Weinstein mostly showing off the animation/fx skills of co-partner Adam Coggins.

The acting, meh.
The direction, meh.
The creature, m'yeah!

It was called ENVOY and in my book that means a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.We love the work Coggins did on this never-made vignette, and we hope it got him many an fx gig from the larger studios. The fluid animation and sympathetic depiction of the alien embassador or whatever it's supposed to be are properly commendable. Derivative, sure, but getting there...

Storywise, no idea. It's either gonna be some off-world meet-n-greet or some escaped bio-military Frankenstein experiment like RoboCop or something. Great adventure? This reviewer prefers the former, take me to a place that hasn't been explored since Wall-E or since Disney's amazing UFO-romp Flight of the Navigator.


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